Tears, an update

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who commented on this post.  It was good to know that I was not alone in the battle that is Pre School drop off.  I appreciate all of the sage advice from my fellow readers and mammas.

I can tell you that while Caitlin still cried the remainder of the week, we are slowly working to find out the source of the problem.  Caitlin told her daddy that she likes school ok, but she doesn't like the part where mommy leaves.  I can see that.  It's hard leaving your mom, anytime you really want her.  John and I both have reassured her that Mommy WILL come back and pick her up. 

I talked to her teacher and the director of the school.  They reassured me that this behavior is very normal.  It was also nice to know that Caitlin isn't crying all day.  Her teacher told me that by the end of circle time (1/2 hour max) she is happy and singing and ready for the next lesson.  I kind of knew that since when I pick her up she is usually all smiles and playing outside with her new friends.

A few things helped this week.  Your kind words and advice included.  Can you believe that "homework" helped us with the remaining two days of school?  Tuesday night, we needed to find five words that start with the letter V.  I will confess that a Google search happened since I couldn't think of anything past vacuum (I don't even vacuum, which is true irony).  So we found five words: van, vest, volcano, and vacuum.  Then I suggested that we find them in my magazines and make a picture collage.  Caitlin LOVES to cut and glue, so we were off.  She had a great time and it gave her something to talk about the next morning.  There were a few tears, but the homework helped.  I can't believe I'm thankful for homework.  I'm sure in the years to come it will bite me in the bee-hind.

When I picked Caitlin up on Thursday, she wanted to make sure I met her friend Zoe.  Then we (Mac included) said good-bye to all the little girlies that were playing together.  Such a nice group, who were all quick to tell me about their bows, bracelets, and new dresses.  All the things that are of super importance when you are four...

It's Friday, and we are playing and making messes.  We've only asked about school twice, and only whined that Tuesday is too soon.  Wow, wonder how she's going to feel about Mondays...

Happy Blogging,